The Mystery Machine
The above image contains cards from 1 - 77.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 48.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 52.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 60.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 38.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 16.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 12.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 16. The cards have a shiny effect over the backgrounds of each card.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 16. The cards have a shiny gold effect over the images in the background of each card.
The above image contains cards from 1 - 2. and also cards showing just the characters over a shiny gold effect.
- Year: c. 2002 - 2004
- Ref. no.: -
- Width: 62mm
- Height: 84.5mm
- No. Game Cards: 340
- Total no. of cards: 340